Got termites? Quick, call our bug busters! These sneaky critters can mess up your home’s bones, turning it into a no-go zone. Dubbed ‘silent wreckers,’ they work their mischief out of sight, leaving many folks clueless until it’s too late. And boy, do they love chomping through your home’s woodwork, leading to a hefty bill for fixes. Stick around, and you’ll discover how to keep your nest safe and sound.
Do you know what an exterminator will do during a termite inspection? While they may seem scary, exterminators are your best friend when it comes to identifying and eliminating termites. They have all sorts of tricks up their sleeve that can help keep your home safe! Here are 5 things that exterminators check for during a termite inspection:
They Look Out For Wood Damage
Exterminators, as their name implies, are people who help get rid of pests and other unwanted animals. This includes termites! Termites can be extremely damaging to wood and other building materials if they are not dealt with quickly. Termite inspections help exterminators identify the problem areas so that they can fix them before it’s too late. Among the things that exterminators check during a termite inspection are signs of wood damage.
Wood damage caused by termites is usually not easily seen by the naked eye. Noticing wood damage is one of many things that exterminators look for during a termite inspection, so it’s important to know what they might be looking for, so you can easily point the infected area out during the inspection. Termites can cause small holes in wood and people may think that these are just tiny scratches caused by another animal or object But in reality, these holes in the wood are from termites who are chewing the material off. This can lead to the rotting of wood and other building materials if they are not dealt with quickly. Termite inspections help exterminators identify the problem areas so that they can fix them before it’s too late.
Exterminators Check For Termite Mud Tubes 
If you have noticed mud tubes trailing up your walls, chances are that termites are in your home. Mud tubes can be identified by looking for a line of dirt or mud leading from the ground to the house and then back down again. This is an indication of where termites have traveled inside your home and how they now enter at night to feed on wood.
With termites living in your house, you never know what they’re building. Termites can’t survive without the right amount of humidity and an enclosed environment to protect them from predators; mud tubes are their answer for both these needs! These tube-like structures start small enough that some people think it looks like dirt encrusted on a wall or floor but grow thick over time as more soil is brought into them by termite workers.
During an inspection, Exterminators check for termite mud tubes to confirm if there are infestations of termites happening in your area.
Related Post: How Quickly Can Termites Destroy Your Home in Malaysia?
The Exterminators Try to Detect Swarmers
Termite swarmers are the reproductive form of termites. They have wings and fly from one nest to another, looking for mates, so they can build a new colony. Termite swarming season is usually in springtime when it is warm enough for them to fly outside. If you see these winged insects buzzing around your home, then chances are you might be having an infestation happening under your nose!
During a termite inspection, exterminators keep on the lookout for swarmers. They’ll often check signs for wings and try to determine if these wings came from termites. Don’t worry about exterminators getting confused between termites or winged ants since their experience in the job has made it easier for them to distinguish termites.
They Look For Termite Mud in Between Your Walls
Termites are surprisingly little builders. They seal off small gaps with dirt to make themselves more comfortable and to protect their colony from possible invaders. Even if you don’t find their mud tubes around your property, if you start seeing crusted dirt in what used to be little holes or gaps in your concrete walls, it may be the work of these pesky termites. During an inspection, you can expect exterminators to check your walls for signs of mud caused by termites.
The Professionals Check For Termite Droppings
Termites are some of the most destructive pests to have in your home, but they can be hard to detect. Termite droppings are one of the things exterminators look for to confirm termite presence and activity. If you find any around your home or property, it is time to call a professional exterminator for an inspection as soon as possible. Termite droppings are usually in the form of dust which highly resembles the look of saw dust. You’ll usually find these droppings in areas where they are hiding.
Final Words
You may be wondering what the signs of termite infestation are. This blog post has given you a detailed list, but if you’re still not sure or want an expert opinion on your home, just give us a call! Our exterminators will happily inspect your property and provide in-depth advice to ensure that it is safe from pests for years to come.