Termites pose a significant risk to your residence. If not addressed, they can inflict considerable harm and lead to severe health issues for you and your loved ones.
If this happens, then it’s vital that you contact our termite control team to deal with the problem before it gets out of hand.
One of the most common signs that termites have invaded is seeing their droppings on furniture or in other areas around your home.
In this blog post, we will teach you what these droppings look like so that you know how to protect yourself from them!
How Do Termite Droppings Look Like?
Termites have been around for more than centuries and each year, these pesky creatures can cause damage to properties that would amount to billions.
Just like other pests, termites have droppings that they leave behind.
Knowing what these droppings look like is the first step in identifying and managing them to prevent further damage.
There are many different types of termite droppings, but their color can be used as a way to identify which type you’re dealing with because there are only two variations: reddish-brown or black!
Termites tend to eat wood so if you find it on furniture and other household items, this could also indicate an invasion by these pests. If any evidence of termites has been found near your home, contact our team for professional help at once!
Termite droppings usually look like a smear that’s either reddish-brown or black. Oftentimes, it also resembled brownish pellets.
You’ll find these droppings in the same place that you’ll find termite wings and they’re usually found near wood.
The pests only exist for one purpose: to eat everything it can get its hands on! This includes furniture, food, clothes, plants, and anything else.
If you find this on your property, then it is a sign of an invasion and needs to be taken care of as soon as possible!
Is Termite Dropping Harmful?
Generally, termite droppings are harmless. However, if you consume them or get direct contact with these substances, it can result in different health consequences such as allergic reactions and dermatitis.
This may come as a surprise, but termite droppings have been reported to cause allergic reactions for people with asthma.
It is possible that you may also experience allergies because of these droppings, even if you don’t have any history of it! Getting in contact with them or consuming them can result in different health risks and interrupt your daily life.
The pellets may also contain the spores of fungi that cause infections so make sure to clean up any areas where they’re found right away!
Termites are only harmful when they have invaded your property. In fact, once inside your home, termites will eat everything from furniture to food and clothes.
If left untreated for an extended period of time without professional help, this could result in major damage that doesn’t just affect one room but many rooms throughout the home – causing very expensive repair costs!
Subterranean Termite Dropping Vs Drywood Termite Dropping
One of the biggest challenges when identifying termites is that there are two variations: subterranean and drywood.
Both types will leave behind droppings, so this can be a major challenge to identify which type you’re dealing with!
To tell these apart, look for clues such as proximity to water sources or different structural preferences. For example, if they have been found near standing water then it’s likely that the pests are in fact subterranean termites.
On the other hand, if they’ve invaded your home through gaps in between pieces of wood or walls then it could be drywood termites instead!
If you suspect an infestation inside your property but don’t know what kind of termite it is, just reach for your phone and call in the professionals since they will have all the needed skills and knowledge to deal with such a problem with no difficulties!
In a Nutshell
We hope you’ve learned something about how to identify termite droppings.
They can be a major problem for homeowners, so it’s important that they are recognized early on and dealt with by professional pest control services before the infestation spreads!
If you have any questions or want more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Our team of experts will be happy to answer your questions and help get rid of those pesky pests once and for all.