If beetles have invaded your home or garden, rest assured you’re in good company. These annoying pests can prove challenging to eliminate. In our blog post, we aim to cover some of the most effective methods for removing beetles from your vicinity. Additionally, we’ll offer useful advice to help you keep them from returning!

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Getting Rid of Beetles in Your Home

getting rid of beetles in your home

There are a few different ways to get rid of beetles in your home. But it is safer to use natural products whenever possible. This is a great method to repel and eliminate beetles in your home. Here are the things that you need for these insects:

Neem Oil

Neem oil is a great way to get rid of beetles. It comes from the neem tree and has been used for thousands of years in India. The oil can be applied topically or ingested. This product will work on most types of beetles because it disrupts their metabolism.

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is another great way to get rid of beetles. It’s a natural insecticide and can be used in a diffuser or applied topically. Beetles do not like the smell of peppermint as it is hazardous for them. You can apply this in parts of your home where they are usually found.


Pyrethrin is also a natural insecticide that comes from the chrysanthemum flower. It’s effective against most types of beetles because it disrupts their nervous system. It can be used in a diffuser or sprayed directly on the insects.

Insect Traps

Insect traps are one of the best ways to get rid of beetles in your home. They are typically made of cardboard or plastic and filled with a sticky substance. The beetle will become stuck to the trap when it walks on it. After that, you can easily relocate them away to a location that is safe and ensure they will not return.

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth is a natural product that can be used to get rid of beetles. It’s made up of tiny fossilized creatures called diatoms. When it is applied, or the beetles walk on it, they will become dehydrated and die. You can sprinkle this in all of the areas where they are usually found.

Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is a natural repellent that can be used to get rid of beetles. It’s effective against most types of insects and smells great too! You can apply it topically or in a diffuser. This product will repel beetles because they do not like the smell.

Getting Rid of Beetles in Your Yard

Getting Rid of Beetles in Your Yard

Beetles can cause damage in your yard, and you would not want that to happen. Here are ways how to prevent and eliminate beetles in your yard:

Use Water and Dish Soap

Water and dish soap is a great way to get rid of beetles, and it is safe for your plants too. You can mix the two together in a spray bottle and apply it directly to the insects. This will kill them and also prevent them from coming back.

Hang Beetle Traps

Beetle traps are a great way to catch these pests in your yard. You can hang them in areas where they are usually found, and the beetles will become stuck to the trap when they walk on it. After that, you can effortlessly throw them away.

Use a Vacuum

If you have a small infestation of beetles in your yard, you can use a vacuum to get rid of them. Just be sure to empty the vacuum bag after each use, or they will escape and come back. Vacuums also will suck up larvae that are infesting your yard so that they can’t grow in it.

Apply Insecticidal Soap

Insecticidal soap is a type of pesticide that you can use in your yard to get rid of beetles. It’s made up of fatty acids and will kill the insects when they come into contact with it. You can spray this directly on the plants that are being infested by beetles or in the areas where they are usually found.

In Conclusion

With the right preparation and vigilance, you can easily get rid of those pesky beetles that are invading your home or yard. We’ve given some quick tips for how to prevent infestations in the first place as well as what steps to take if they do show up.

Hopefully, these will give you a leg-up on keeping your home and Kuala Lumpur safe from these bugs. Should you have any more questions in mind, feel free to contact us today!

Business Name: Empire Pest Control Kuala Lumpur
Phone Number: 0333851981
Address: D-05-03, 45, Jalan Burung Belatuk, Taman Bukit Maluri, 52100 Kepong, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur