Rats have a reputation for transmitting diseases and can be a significant annoyance. Numerous myths exist regarding methods to prevent them from entering your home, but are these methods effective?
Our rat control experts have busted some of the most popular DIY rodent control myths so that you can sleep soundly tonight!
Home Remedies For Rats That Don’t Work
The most common and natural ways that many people believe in getting rid of rodents are ultrasonic repellers, mothballs, and peppermint oil. While these remedies are commonly used by homeowners, these are ineffective, and here is why:
Ultrasonic Repellers
The ultrasonic repeller is a device that emits sounds of high frequencies to keep rodents away.
The device claims to send sound waves through the air, walls, and solid objects without consequences for humans or pets.
This method is popular because it does not require any cleanup or chemicals on your part.
While these devices are marketed as being humane alternatives to trapping rats, they have been shown by science to be completely ineffective.
It was found out that even when exposed repeatedly over time, mice were able to acclimate themselves by simply ignoring the noise after hearing it enough times!
Mothballs are commonly used to repel rodents. Mothballs contain either naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene, which give off a smell that mice and rats find offensive and could kill them.
Mothballs may deter moths, but they are not enough to kill rodents. In order for mothballs to work in rodents, you will need the same amount needed to affect humans.
The problem with this method is obvious: you might overuse the product, and you must be willing to live in a house filled with an offensively strong odor all day, every day, for it to work effectively.
The chemicals contained in mothballs can also be dangerous for humans and pets if inhaled or ingested.
Peppermint oil
Peppermint oil is another popular home remedy. This scent is believed to repel rodents because it can irritate their nasal passages due to their sensitive sense of smell.
This method may depend on the sensitivity of each rodent, but we have found that most do not respond to this treatment as promised by manufacturers.
While peppermint oil does give off a strong smell, mice are able to adapt like they would with ultrasonic repellers or mothballs. They could even withstand the smell of sewers.
The oils also leave stains if spilled and could be dangerous around children or pets who might ingest it accidentally!
How to Deal With Rodents
If you want to get rid of rodents the right way, a humane rodent trap is your best option.
These traps can be left open and will not pose any danger or harm to children or pets if accidentally touched.
Rodent removal is also easy with this method because they are caught alive! You simply release them safely at least five miles away from where you live – far enough so that they do not return.
How to Prevent Rodent Infestations
The only way to ensure that you will not have a rodent infestation is through prevention.
By taking the necessary precautions, you can keep rodents away from your home and prevent an expensive battle with mice or rats!
We recommend sealing any holes leading into your building which includes cracks in walls, floors, window sills, and doors.
It would help if you also made sure there are no water leaks anywhere near the exterior of your house, as this creates puddles that attract rodents.
Keeping garbage bins sealed is another great option because if left open, it could provide access to these pests which might be looking for something tasty inside. Keeping them clean regularly.
It is also best if you hire a professional rodent control service because they have all the right tools and expertise to handle a rodent infestation.
Rodent control is a topic that doesn’t need to be confusing.
We hope this blog post has helped you get rid of some myths about rodent control and empowered you with more knowledge on the subject so it can become less daunting for you.
If there are any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today!