It’s crucial to safeguard your pets from termites, as they can pose a threat to their well-being, ensuring you implement preventative measures is important.
There are some common misconceptions about termites that many people have because they do not know what they are capable of doing on residential property or how much damage they can do. Read on!
Are Termites Harmful to My Pets?
As a fur parents, we all want what’s best for our furry friends. Our dogs, cats, and other pets have a lot of needs and we want to make sure that they are happy, healthy, and safe.
Termites aren’t technically harmful to your pets because they aren’t like bed bugs that feed on blood. However, these critters do bite when they feel threatened and our pets might develop infection through their bite wounds.
Termites can also cause damage to your home if they take up residence in it. They are very hard workers and will find a way into many areas of your residential property, such as the walls, yard, or even under your floorboards.
This doesn’t only pose as a safety hazard for you, but also your pets since they might be lying on an area that’s damaged due to termites and end up falling or getting hurt.
How to Keep Pets Safe During Termite Treatment
If you suspect termites to be present on your property, then don’t waste any more time! You need to call in a professional residential termite control company right away to get a thorough inspection done.
The professionals will be able to tell you what the best solution for your residential property is and if they recommend treatment, then there are some precautions that can be taken during this time period so that it’s not harmful to our furry friends:
Keep Them Away From Infested Area
One of the best ways to ensure your pets aren’t affected during treatment is to keep them away from the infested areas. This is easy since they usually aren’t encouraged to go into these places anyways and will be fine as long as you follow them around.
You can also set up a temporary pet area in another room while your residential property gets treated so that they won’t have any contact with termites or their harmful chemicals during this time period.
This might seem like more work than it’s worth for some people, but if you want to protect your pets, then taking this small precautionary measure would do wonders!
If at all possible find a company that offers residential pest control services that use green methods of treatment such as allowing our furry friends to stay present during treatment because many companies are now using eco-friendly management.
Be Sure to Watch Your Pets After Termite Treatment
After termite treatment, pest control solutions, insecticides, and other chemicals may be present on the property so it’s vital that you watch your pets closely for any signs of illness.
The chemicals used during residential termites control are strong and can be dangerous, so it’s important that you keep an eye on them for the first few hours after treatment has been done to see if they show any adverse reactions or illnesses.
This precaution is the best way to ensure their safety because if anything happens then we don’t want our furry friends suffering in silence!
Rush Pets to The Vet When In Contact With Termiticide
If you happen to see your pet in contact with residential termiticide, then it’s best to rush them straight over to the vet.
The chemicals used are powerful and can be harmful if they come into contact with our pets so make sure that they get taken care of as soon as possible!
The conclusion of this post is that termites are a threat to your pets, but it’s important for homeowners to know how they can protect their animals.
Termites often enter homes in search of any food sources and if the homeowner isn’t aware of what type of treatment should be used when these pests invade a home, then the risk to household pets increases exponentially.
For those who have read this blog post, hopefully, you now feel more informed about how best to keep your beloved pet safe from harm due to pesky little bugs!
If not, please share with friends or family members who may need some help preventing destructive pest invasions into their own personal space.